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3 Vision-Related Problems a Paediatric Optometrist Will Help Your Child Avoid

Many parents only arrange a visit with the children's optometrist when their child complains about vision problems. Sadly, little children might not know the difference between natural and impaired eyesight. Often, a child will cope with a festering eye problem, and by the time you know it, their vision will have suffered a lot of damage. 

It is advisable to always watch your child keenly for symptoms of eye health problems. For example, if they keep rubbing their eyes, moving closer to the television and squinting to see objects, you should book an appointment with the paediatric optometrist. The eye doctor will help your child avoid the following problems.

Compromised Academic Performance

Children with eye health problems have a hard time keeping up with others in school. Whether it is a genetic condition such as dyslexia, long-sightedness, or short-sightedness, the child will struggle to read, which will dampen their academic excellence. Similarly, a child with other vision problems will not perform well in sports because they have poor eye and hand coordination. They also cannot correctly judge the distance to where objects such as the balls are. 

It is advisable to see a paediatric eye doctor as soon as you suspect your child has a vision problem. The doctor will prescribe glasses, surgery, or any other treatment to help train their eyes for better vision. This way, the child will handle their schoolwork better and their academic performance will improve.

Low Self-Confidence

Children are very keen to notice when they are different from others. They also become sensitive when they feel less capable than their peers in any way. If your child cannot read a page of a book like the rest of their friends, they might become withdrawn at school. Similarly, if they cannot read gestures and facial expressions during social interactions and play, they will hold back. 

However, taking your child to a paediatric optometrist for regular check-ups will help avoid such problems. The eye doctor will diagnose the eye problems early and offer the most suitable treatment. By so doing, they will boost your little one's confidence and help them have a better social life.

Compromised Safety

Your child needs a reliable vision to stay safe at school, at home, and in other places. For example, they need to see the traffic light clearly before crossing the road. When your child has blurry vision, they might not see an obstacle on the road. But when you take them for a professional eye check-up, you minimise their chances of getting into minor accidents and hurting themselves.

Contact a paediatric optometrist to help detect present and developing vision problems in good time. The doctor will come up with a treatment and management plan to help your child have healthy vision.

For more information, contact a children's optometrist today.